What is sexual abstinence? Condom as a barrier protection.

Sexual abstinence is a choice to limit your sexual activity. This choice is usually made for a specific reason. The reason may be moral, religious, legal, or for health and safety. Everyone has a different definition of sexual abstinence. The most common meaning of sexual abstinence is not having sexual intercourse, vaginal, anal or oral. It is important to discuss with your partner what abstinence means to you, especially if you are developing a new relationship. A specific definition of abstinence should include the expressions of love and sexuality that are acceptable to you and those that aren’t. Examples of acceptable behaviors often include holding hands, dancing, and kissing. Your choice of abstinence may be based on moral or ethical reasons, such as a belief that the act of intercourse should be reserved as an expression of a lifetime commitment to one person. In this case you and your partner will create your list of do’s and don’ts depending on your beliefs. If the g...